Besides being made from precious metals and stones, most expensive jewelries are often ornate and extremely detailed, which demand artistic workmanship. Most expensive jewelries are worth couples of million dollars. People who can afford most expensive jewelry buy it for special occasions such as engagements, weddings, marriage anniversaries and birthdays. World’ most expensive jewelries in 2009 are made by the top-most jewelry designers and luxury jewelry brands from Milan, New York and Paris. Recently, Victoria/ Secret was retailing world’ most expensive bra at over 5 million dollars. The bra incorporated thousands of real diamonds and rubies.
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009
Most Expensive Jewelry in 2009